Tuesday, June 17, 2008

duh, it's good for you...it's organic

caution: this is a rant.

Conversation at my tae kwon do class yesterday:
Mother: Hi, do you have the number of ZPizza?
Me: Oh, sorry I don't think we do...and the computer's out from the blackout. Do you have it Master B? (I don't actually call him that, but didn't feel like using his name!)
B: Oh, no I don't either. ::looks at little girl by mother:: You like ZPizza huh? It's really good, isn't it?
Mother: Oh, yeah, and it's SO healthy.
Me: Heh, yeah, pretty much I guess. (referring to pizza in general)
Mother: I mean it's ALL organic. And the crust is whole wheat, and I mean we all need carbs, right? And then there's some tomato sauce, organic, and then I mean, cheese and who can argue with cheese, right?

Okay lady. Hold on. Let's think about this. But you're right, I can't argue with cheese if you're not gonna argue with the cheese.

Pizza in itself is, in my opinion, one of the better fast foods. However, cheese, the part I can't argue with, because really, you can't argue for it either, is still really high in fat and calories. It's really the worst part of the pizza nutritionally since it's usually piled on. (But the best part of the pizza otherwise. =P) A slice of pizza is gonna be about 250-500 calories, much from fat.

I don't want to say as much as I originally thought I did (mostly the whole wheat business, and also if zpizza even uses it, but not enough time).

But please people, don't ever use organic as a reason for something to be good for you. Or the whole grain stuff. That's so sketchy due to improper labelling that we can not yet ever really know if we're getting the good stuff and not the nutritionless processed grains. But it's good as an alternative to other pizzas. And organic tomato sauce versus non-certified? Well, okay, it's a slightly safer and whatever morally better alternative to choose organic. Also it's arguable whether organic food is good for YOU or if it's good for the world in general. Not saying that the world isn't important. =P

But anyway you can raise a pig organically and it'll be "all organic", but if you drink its lard, will it cleanse your body?


Didn't think so.

A pizza is still a pizza. Go get your kid some fruit.

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