Wednesday, September 3, 2008

um, like, awkward

(via flickr photo search of "awkward turtle")

Things I am finding myself say more often, which coincidentally are things I hate hearing myself say

  • like
  • um, no
  • that's not okay
  • it was awkward

The first three are just annoying mannerisms I've lost, regained, and have come to rely on. Argh. This is what happens when a quiet person starts talking too much. Sigh. However, that last one is beginning to bother me on so many levels.

Do I put myself in awkward situations? Do I create awkward situations? Am I perceiving normal things as awkward? Am I overusing the term? Or, are a majority of things in life "awkward" and it's just a matter of being able to recognize it? (Yes, I realize this is pretty much the question of my perception.)

I'd like to believe that I'm awkward (as opposed to unnecessarily exaggerating everything) and that when I say a situation was awkward/really weird/so strange, it really was, and I am warranted for labeling it as such. But I worry about how almost every part of my life feels awkward. I'm guessing that's just how things are, but I think I'm going to need to redefine the term if I plan on not dwelling over every little thing for a long time after and just living life.

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