Thursday, August 14, 2008

link roundup?

Catsitting and end of the biweek leads to no posting! But here are some links of note from the past few days. :-) (Mined from my tumblrz)

Muxtape: NEStape
If you are unfamiliar with muxtape, it's a site where you can create your own mix tape, and share it with the world! Did anyone ever make a mixtape? I've definitely recorded radio onto a cassette tape to listen to on my walkman way way wayyyyy back when. And then there were mix CDs. And now playlists. Or worse yet, people just putting their whole mp3 device on shuffle!!! (I do it too.) Anyway, this muxtape is just some NES sound files (midi sounding style!) and I had a good morning with it yesterday. =P

NYTimes: Records Say Chinese Gymnasts May Be Under Age (OLD)
This is an article from July, outlining the more specific allegations and evidence against the Chinese girls. Until I found this article, I thought it was all speculation and people ratting on asians that don't look their age (ahem) but this seems a lot sketchier than I thought. Either the records are wrong now, or they were before, and neither is something to be proud of.

Can You Guess the Movie from Just One Letter?
I failed miserably. I think I got 10 or 11, but after looking at some of the more distinctive ones, I feel like I should've known them. Or at least seen the movie. :-) I need to take 2 months off and get a netflix trial...

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