Friday, August 22, 2008

status report!

Well, since I clearly declared the 3 things I'm trying to spruce things up here, I should offer an update. Don't know if I'll have time this weekend!

Hundred pushups: Eh, I sort of started it, which was an accomplishment in itself. :-) But I guess I find pushups pretty boring in the end. You have to do 5 sets with a minute or two rest in between. I don't have the attention span for that. It's pretty sad. The rest in between sets is what gets me. I can waste time perfectly well, but purposefully waiting and wasting time, not so good. And not enough can get done in a minute! Maybe I'll stretch in between.

Moleskine journal: Been going pretty well! But I like to blab to myself, and the pages are small, so it's really easy to feel like I've accomplished something in writing a page or two. I need to remember to write in it while I'm at home too.

Listerine Pre-Brush Whitening Mouthwash: I bought this after my friend recommended it. Not for the whitening part, but just that it gets your teeth really clean. It's pretty fun. Bubbling action is always a big seller. It does NOT taste as bad as everyone keeps complaining about. However, I have to admit that the mouthwash hardly touches my tongue at all since I don't gargle--just get the stuff around my teeth. Maybe it is actually god-awful. But you should be able to rinse without having to immerse your tongue too much. Anyway, I've only ended up using it twice (opening a bottle is too much effort for me...). We'll see!

Well that's the recap of week 1. Look at the original post if you don't know what I'm talking about.

I rode my bike to work yesterday, which is carried over from my last set of life sprucing purchases!

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