Monday, August 4, 2008

today's news/link roundup

Here's tonight's collection of completely irrelevant news.

ITWorld: Group offers tools to evade China's Web censorship
I don't know how it works and I didn't read up on it, but thank goodness it exists. Jae, break out now!

CNN: Study: Most kids' fast-food meals have too many calories
Alright, was this not obvious already? I don't think they took into account the new BK apple fries which are a funny concept...because I am totally more likely to eat an apple that is already cut. Good job focus groups/BK consultants who are parents. It's nice to know though that they are sort of reasonable (calorie wise) for adults. If you choose the healthier kids meals, that is. Why are portions so huge... Daniel Rubin: When your name gets turned against you
It's a bit beyond ludacris that you can't get DSL because your last name is Libshitz. They might want to start looking into swear words in other languages. Oh, and things that sound like they might be expletives. Sorry Mr. Holyship.

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