Tuesday, August 5, 2008

my ride is so fly

What in the name of fugly cute is that? It's the Terrafugia Transition!

Engadget: Terrafugia Transition flying car shows up at air show, doesn't fly

So it doesn't fly yet, but I have hopes. Flying cars is definitely one of those milestones that means we're advancing as a people as defined by science fiction. True nuff though, if this thing needs a runway, what makes it better than an airplane? Well, airplanes traditionally have no control over their wheels and their power is generated by the turbines or propellers, which sends air over the wings and creates thrust and lift. So the wheels just spin as they're told to by friction. I asked myself that question not thinking I'd come up with anything. Go me and not asking my brain before I type.

So flying car has power steering on the ground. Yay!

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