Thursday, July 10, 2008

middle class chic

The economic stimulus checks apparently went straight to places like Walmart and Costco. CNN article here.

I'm lovin' it. Though I prefer Target, myself, because it's metro accessible and I sort of act white (and white people like Target) I like that the economic downturn has turned people generally more money-conscious, and well, SMARTER. I'm not saying everything should come from Wal-mart (and I'm disregarding anything about Wal-mart as a good or evil corporation) because every store has its place, but I'm glad that bargain hunting is in. (There was an article I can't find about how it's now cool for teens to find deals on stuff, etc...)

I suppose there is no limit to thriftiness, and people could be doing better, and making their own clothes or something, but I'm willing to factor in a small bit of pride and convenience with the saving of money. No kid wants to grow up clothed through garage sales and stained shirts from the Salvation Army store.

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