With so many references to tumblr in my giganto blog site overview and in my declaration of changing the way I post, I feel the need to show you what I mean.
I have a tumblr tumblelog, and mostly it's the same posts as this blog, but with less words. :-) I mean fewer words. Yeah, I left that in. Anyway, a lot of people like tumblr, just saying. You'd probably like it. I do, but I prefer blogger for now. Maybe you can all join and I'll actually thoughtfully update mine. (Right now only my officemate sees what I put there...and it gives me a random thing to text to when I'm feeling like I should be doing something at the bus stop.)
1 day ago
ooh... I like your tumblelog. It's fun to read! Maybe I should start one. Although I've also taken a liking to friendfeed, which seems it could serve a similar purpose? Or maybe they're different enough that it could make sense to have both. Or I'll just end up with neither (I do have a friendfeed right now but have deemed it not interesting enough yet to tell people about...we'll see if it ever is...)
hehe I dunno if you should join necessarily...I don't plan on updating it much! :-)
I've never heard of friendfeed but I'll check it out. also tumblr has a way of making not so interesting things look really cool and interesting (like the giganto quotes!) so it's really easy to find a tumblr blog you like. =P
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