Thursday, July 3, 2008

nano-stuff solves everything

New Nanowire-Based Memory Could Beef Up Information Storage from

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have created a type of nanowire-based information storage device that is capable of storing three bit values rather than the usual two—that is, "0," "1," and "2" instead of just "0" and "1." This ability could lead to a new generation of high-capacity information storage for electronic devices.


Seriously...0, 1, AND 2. It's weird how amazing that is. In the words of the engadget post, we'll see if this gets out of the lab. I will NOT insert a comment here stemming from my job. But yes. We'll see. Maybe soon.

Nano-scale stuff scares me. Look at that picture. Not far off from a creepy crawly.

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