Friday, July 11, 2008

not Sodastar

Mostly due to my officemate being a total hipster who is way too into music for her own good (referring mostly to her hearing's good) I get exposed to fun music like this. Alphabeat. It will make you happy. Just listen! ("Fascination" and "10000 Nights of Thunder" are their bigger singles in Europe.) Click their name for a link to their whole album hosted on Deezer, listen below for "10000 Nights of Thunder". (*edit - deezer links don't work the way they used to...if you get sent to the home page, just search "Alphabeat"...I'm sure you figured it out...)

Discover Alphabeat!

And like my officemate said once in her "secret blog", they're so cute!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I loooove this song! V good for waking up and doing the crossword!